Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Morning worship

Sunday morning.....
This is my first post - inspired (or not - if any one reads this you can decide if it is inspired or not!) by a conversation I had yesterday with other womem from my church while planning for an upcoming retreat. One of the topics we were discussing was worship.

It is about time to wake the family up & start the process of getting ready for church. The routine is the same every week. I get up ahead of everyone else, get showered & wake my husband & son, one at a time to use our only bathroom. While every one else is getting ready, I start getting dinner prepared so we can eat as soon as we get home. I am already wondering what to wear & whether it will be a good hair day or not, which or my friends I will see & have a chance to chat with.

With the exception of the late 70's & most of the 80's, I have gone to church on Sunday morning for my whole life. When did church (the building) become synonymous for worship (the action)?

The Israelites had to prepare before they went to the temple to worship the great Jehovah- they had to be cleansed - physically & spiritually. They had special clothes they wore, had sacrifices to make - it was not a let's sleep in as late as we can & then rush in, irritated because they had to rush, at the last possible minute. They planned & made preparations to come before their God.

So when did worship become common place & just a thing you do every Sunday? Is it a sign of the times? Or is it a sign of our hearts?

Don't get me wrong - I love going to church. I love the singing, listening to the Scriptures & the lesson for the day. But I think I will go with a new appreciation of the privilege it is to go & stand before my God & offer my worship to Him.

I have to go now - I have to finish getting prepared to worship.

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